Saturday, December 31, 2011
Christmas 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Crazy Boys!!!
Porter and Ryker were playing in their room one day. Ryker comes walking out and he has every shirt in his drawer on. He only had 2 clean pair of pants which he had on as well. Probably would have had more on but that was all that was in his drawer. He came out just giggling. Mike and I couldn't help but laugh. Here he has 10 shirts on.
The picture doesn't do much justice but he looked like a marshmallow!
There was one week that the boys did something pretty much everyday. One morning I was getting ready for work and Mike walks in the living room and I hear him yell, "Ugh, what are you guys doing?" I walk out to see our living room completely covered in styrofoam. They had gotten some styrofoam and broken it apart so we had tiny styrofoam balls all over our house. Mike goes and gets the shop vac as I laugh and say have fun and walk out the door for work. We unfortunately didn't get a picture of that.
Well, that night I come home from work and I hear Ryker and Kyler in the other room crying. Porter grabs my hand and says, "Mom, come see." I kept asking what's wrong. He would just say, come see. I walk in Kyler and Bridger's room and I was speechless. They had totally emptied the closet out in a big pile in the middle of the floor. All the books, clothes, sheets, everything was thrown on the floor. They had climbed up the shelves and even got the very top shelves. I couldn't believe it. Not sure why but they decided to take their clothes off and add to the pile. That's why they don't have any clothes on. Dad sent them in there to clean up their mess. We realized that the mess wasn't really getting cleaned up though it was just getting worse with them in there so we had to take over. This one wasn't so funny to me because I had to clean it up which took Mike and me 2 days to get it all clean. As we were cleaning up we noticed that they had taken games that we had in there and opened the boxes and thrown all the pieces of the games everywhere too. I don't know if we even found all the pieces for the games either. Not very fun cleaning it all up.
Then later that week I get this picture sent to me at work.

It's Ryker with permanent marker all over his face. This is even after he had tried washing it off. Yes, him and his little accomplice, Kyler had drawn all over their faces. Kyler wasn't nearly as bad. Their poor faces were scrubbed raw trying to get it all off.
They also do the cutest things. Ryker loves little Bridger. He totes that kid around everywhere with him. One morning I was getting ready for work. Bridger was in his swing and the other boys were just watching cartoons. I came out to find this.
Another funny picture of them when we were doing family pictures!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mike and 2 friends that he went to school with, Garrett and Kassidy, had their picture taken and was in the newspaper too.

After the ceremony, Ryan and Andrea were nice enough to take Porter, Ryker and Kyler for a sleepover. Mike and I went to dinner with his parents and Alicia and Kirk. We went and ate at Texas Roadhouse! Yummy! Overall it was a great day! So proud of you, Mike!
Porter Turns 5

The Custer family party he got to celebrate his birthday with his cousin Adam. Aunt Andrea made a really cool fish cake. He got another game for the DS, some planes, a toy garbage truck and new bigger bike.
For the Olson party he wanted the white cake with strawberries on top again. Just like last year. Guess he really likes that cake! They gave him more games for the DS. He loves playing all of the games and is catching on so fast and getting pretty good at them.
Porter has been asking all year when he gets to go to the big school. I've been telling him that he has to be 5 to go to the big school. The morning after his birthday as we were getting ready for school he asked me if he got to go to the big school today? I was so surprised that he remembered that. It made me laugh! He is just so excited to go to the big school!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
We also made it up to the cabin one more time. It was cold!! There was actually snow on the ground too. We still had a lot of fun.
The boys helped Dad chop fire wood to keep us warm.
The boys had a great time shooting BB guns.
Bridger hanging out inside the warm cabin with mom.
Another great thing of Fall is FOOTBALL!!! The boys have really gotten into watching football with their mom and dad. Especially Kyler. Every time the TV is turned on, he thinks football should be on. Here are the boys decked out in their BYU attire for the big BYU Utah game. BYU got killed. A very big disappointment. But then again, they have been one big disappointment this year!