Sunday, September 19, 2010

Porter Starts Preschool

What, Porter's in preschool? I know, crazy that my little man is already in preschool! He has been so excited to start school like Dad. He gets to wear his backpack and go to school all by himself. Then he gets to study with Dad too. So cute! We wanted to put Porter in gymnastics this year too. We found a preschool close to my work that offers gymnastics with it. It worked out perfect! The first day when I take Porter we walk in and I see one of our friends there with her little boy Bridger. We had no idea that they were putting him in preschool there too and in the same class even. That will be so fun for them! After his first day I pick him up and on our way home he's telling me what he did and he says, Mom, Bridger and I got in trouble! I say, What? On you first day? He giggles and says, yeah. Come to find out, Bridger and him were jumping on the trampoline when they weren't suppose to. Naughty little boys. Their dad's say they are making their dad's proud! Coming from 2 guys that probably got into trouble together plenty when they were in school together! First thing I asked him when I picked him up the second day was, did you and Bridger get in trouble today? He told me no! I love how excited he is for school. Lets hope it stays that way! He doesn't quite understand that he only goes every other day. He wants to go everyday. He is just so stinking cute! I love it! He's just growing up so fast, I can't believe it!

Had to get a couple pictures with his little brother Ryker! They really wanted to be going together. Next year they will be!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kyler's First Birthday

So much has happened since my last post. It'll take me awhile to get caught up on all that so lets start with one of the big things that happened.....Kyler's first birthday. Yes, my baby is one! I can't believe it. Kyler started walking a couple weeks before his birthday. Porter and Ryker both started walking around their birthday but Kyler beat them there. Now that he's walking he thinks he is just as big as his big brothers and that he can do everything that they do. It's really funny! For Kyler's birthday we had a little family party with our family and he got his very own birthday cake which he loved and ate every bit of. Ok, Dad and his brothers helped! Then he got to have a party with the Custer's with Mom and Aunt Kristy. And, he got spoiled just like all kids do! And, he loved every bit of it too!

Look at him eye this cake! Just couldn't wait to dig in!


Yes, I got really creative and made a dragon cake. Turned out ok! It was a lot more work than I was planning on but all the kids loved it!