Monday, May 2, 2011

Ryker gets his tonsils out!

Ryker has the hardest time breathing when he sleeps. Plus he is really picky about things he will eat and has a hard time swallowing things. So, at his 3 year check up I talked to the doctor about this. He looked at his tonsils and said they were very large. He referred us to an ENT for a consultation about getting the tonsils and adenoids taken out. The ENT agreed that he was a good candidate to get them removed. He said that we would notice a huge difference in his sleeping and eating if we did it.

So on April 28th, Ryker go his tonsils and adenoids taken out. He was so brave and did so good. I think it was harder on Mom than it was on him. The doctor told us that he did really well during the surgery. He said that he had some big tonsils and some huge adenoids. Hopefully that means this will help the little guy now. After the surgery they go into a recovery area with 2 nurses watching them. They are in there until they wake up. Ryker was just sleeping away for about an hour. They just kept telling us that as soon as he woke up, they would bring him out. When he woke up, he was so mad about the IV that was in his hand. We could hear him just screaming and yelling at the nurses. He wanted that thing out. He was more mad about that than anything. It was kind of funny!

I was so shocked how well he was doing the first 2-3 days. He was eating and acting like nothing. Then the 4th day he was acting like it was starting to hurt more. They told us day 4-6 would be the worst. We are on day 5 today and it started out rough but then he was doing great by tonight. the hardest thing is getting him up in the night to take his medicine. It's a fight but then I think it makes the mornings not so bad. He really has done a lot better than I was expecting. What a brave little boy!

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