A couple days before we went on our trip, Porter was complaining that his tooth hurt. I didn't think much of it and just brushed it off. When we went on our trip Porter was complaining about his tooth the whole time. We had to keep medicine in him the whole time to help it not hurt so bad. We looked at it and it was starting to turn black. So, when we got back from our trip we called the dentist to have him look at it. Mike took Porter over to the dentist after Ryker's surgery. They ended up pulling his tooth. It was a tooth that he had a cavity filled on and it was so deep that it probably didn't get filled all the way. If it would have been an adult, they would have done a root canal. Since he's going to lose the tooth anyway, they just decided to pull it. He was so brave and so good. They didn't even give him the gas. He just took the pain! What a tough boy!
He was so excited to have the tooth fairy come. He wanted to keep his tooth though. He didn't want the tooth fairy to take it. So, we wrote a note asking the tooth fairy to leave his tooth. The next morning he woke up and asked if the tooth fairy came. I told him to go look under his pillow. He comes running out of his room yelling that he got a $2 bill and the tooth fairy left his tooth for him too. He was so excited!
He has to go back now and get a spacer put in so that his teeth don't grow all funny with a big space. We're really hoping that all this work isn't going to make him hate the dentist now. He loves going and is always so good. Cross our fingers it stays that way!