Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Porter is 4!

Porter isn't going to know what to do when Christmas is over and he doesn't get any more presents. With his birthday in December and between all the family birthday parties and Christmas parties, seems like he's getting presents every other day! He loves it though!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Porter's birthday this year. We had our own little family party. I got a little cake from the store which I thought he would love. However, he told me that he wanted a white cake with strawberries on top. So, I had to make that for the Olson's birthday party. Aunt Andrea made a cute train cake for the Custer birthday party that Porter celebrated with his cousin Adam.

All Porter asked for this year for his birthday and Christmas is a gun. So, we gave him a HUGE nerf gun. Yep, it's bigger than him. He loves the thing too! It's actually 2 guns in 1 so we took it apart and he let Ryker shoot the other gun. He also got some new snow clothes and a movie.

At the Olson party he got a truck with a trailer with 2 motorcycles on it. All the kids loved it. He got some books too and a sled and movie from Grandma and Grandpa. At the Custer party he got some more books, a shirt with a dirt bike toy, a movie, a game and a puzzle. Boy, he sure got spoiled!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh my gosh I love the huge nerf gun! That thing is ridiculous! I can't believe Porter is 4 - so big! What a fun month for him. Max is already getting so much for Christmas that I don't know what to get him for his bday a week later. He's gonna be bummed too when all the present end!