Halloween gets more and more fun the more kids I have! A lot of work but fun! I love dressing them up and seeing how excited they are to go trick or treating. I was trying to figure out some fun costumes this year. My boys love watching Cat in the Hat. So, I was thinking that it would be cute to have Porter be Cat in the Hat, Ryker and Kyler be Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Bridger be the fish. When I told them they loved the idea. I spent all this time trying to find the costumes online in the sizes that I needed. The day I was going to order them, Mike calls me at work and says is Porter being a dragon for Halloween? When he went to pick Porter up from preschool a kids mom was saying that Porter was telling her kid that he was going to be a dragon. Come to find out he was telling his whole class he was going to be a dragon. Ryker was telling his class that he was going to be an alligator. I was glad that I didn't order the Cat in the Hat costumes. I learned my lesson, ask your kids what they are going to be.
So, Porter was a dragon, Ryker decided he would be a dinosaur, Kyler was a monkey and Bridger was a chicken. They were all so cute! We had a fun day too. This was the first year that I was able to have my kids come into my work. Mike brought them over and they trick or treated at my work. Then that night we went to the trunk or treat at the church. Between the 2 places my kids got so much candy. It will last us for months! We all had a lot of fun and can't wait for next year!