I can't believe this little man is only 2. He seems so much older than that to me. He thinks he's just as big and old as his older brothers too.
We had a fun birthday with Kyler this year. The Saturday before his birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Custer took him to Build a Bear. They said that he wasn't into it at all. He did end up picking out a dog but his most favorite thing was the stroller. He wanted that to push his dog around in. He loves that dog. He was so excited to get it home and show his brothers. He slept with it and had to show it how he went potty and everything. It's really cute!
We had a fun birthday with Kyler this year. The Saturday before his birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Custer took him to Build a Bear. They said that he wasn't into it at all. He did end up picking out a dog but his most favorite thing was the stroller. He wanted that to push his dog around in. He loves that dog. He was so excited to get it home and show his brothers. He slept with it and had to show it how he went potty and everything. It's really cute!

The Sunday before his birthday he got to share his celebration with me, with the Custers. He got spoiled as always!
Then on his actual birthday he got to go to lunch with mom and her friends at Red Robin, then played with his brothers all day. They gave him a backpack just like theirs. We made a cake that Porter and Ryker picked out for him and had some before we went to bed.
Mom and Dad got him a big bed for his birthday. We needed to get him in a bed so we can get Bridger in the crib. He loves his big bed too. He has to tell everyone that it's HIS bed!
Then the Sunday after his birthday we celebrated his birthday with the Olsons. Got more spoiled!
When we were at Red Robin the nicest thing happened. Kyler got a balloon and everything while we were there since it was his birthday. There was a couple sitting by us and when they got up to leave the guy walks over to us and asks Kyler if it's his birthday. He said, yep! The guy hands him a dollar bill and tells him happy birthday and to go get himself something for his birthday. Kyler tells him thanks and thought that dollar bill was the best thing ever. He had to carry it around with him and wouldn't let me take it. We went and picked out a car that he got with it. He loves that car too! Such a nice couple! Sure made Kyler's day!
Happy birthday Kyler! We love you!