June 19, 2011
6 lbs 5 ozs
19 1/2 inches
So, I went in for a doctor appointment on the 13th and my doctor said that he would induce me on the 19th. I was in shock that he would induce me on a weekend. Didn't think that they would want to do that. He said that he was at the hospital all day that day so lets give him something to do. I never got really miserable with this pregnancy so I didn't know what to do. I wasn't dying to get the kid out of me. I came home and talked to Mike. We decided to just go ahead and do it. I was looking at the calendar that night and I realized that the 19th was Father's Day. I didn't know if that was what Mike would want to do on Father's Day or not. He said that he thought it would be cool. So, I called my doctor the next day and said to go ahead and schedule me for an induction.
They called us about 6:15 am and said to come in. We got there about 7:00. They said that it was a good thing that we got there when we did because they got really busy and if we would have called they probably wouldn't have taken me. We had the little guy at 4:00 on the dot. I thought the process would have gone quicker since it was so fast with Kyler but it seemed to take forever. We got him here though nice and healthy.
I can't believe how tiny the little guy is. Mike and I were thinking that he would be our biggest baby but he's actually the smallest. We need to fatten him up since he has 3 older brothers!
We are so happy to have Bridger as part of our family!!