Friday, December 31, 2010

Running 2010

Mike started running when I was pregnant with Kyler. Nothing serious, just some running here and there. About 6 months after I had Kyler I started running too. That was February of this year. My sister in law, Raylene, ran a half marathon in March in Moab that we went down to. It got me all motivated to run one. She told me that we should sign up for the Hobble Creek Half in August. Sounded good to me. That got me training. Mike was going to run it too but he was in school and wasn't sure he would have the time to train for it. During my training process we ran several other races. The first was the Homestead Run 15K over Memorial weekend. That is 9.3 miles. Mike and I had never ran that far before so that was going to be a first. Mike and I signed up for it and ran it with my brother Josh and his wife Katie. We were very happy with how we did since it was our first race and our farthest distance. Mike and I both ran it in 1:34 about a 10:11 minute mile.

The next race that I ran was Ragnar which I already did a whole post on so I won't tell you about it again!

The next race that Mike and I ran was the Speedy Spaniard 10K on July 24th. We ran it with Josh, Katie and Raylene. The only goal that Mike and I had was to be under an hour. We did even better than that and we were so happy with how we did. Mike 56:31, 9:08 minute mile and Heidi 56:45, 9:10 minute mile.

Then was my half marathon on August 21st. I had trained for this all summer and wanted to do well so bad. I was bummed that Mike wasn't running it with me. I ran it with Josh, Katie and Raylene though. I'm so glad that I trained good and hard for the race. It really paid off. I did so much better than I was even planning on. I was hoping to run it in atleast a 10 minute mile pace. I actually ran it in 2:02, 9:19 minute mile. I was so happy with that. It was such an accomplishment and I loved every minute of it.

Mike was so bummed that he didn't get to run Hobble Creek and really wanted to run a half too. So, I told him that I'd run another one with him. We signed up for the SoJo Half Marathon on September 25th. That only left about a month. I figured I could just keep up my training until the race and would be able to do it. Mike and I were the only ones that ran this race. A couple weeks after Hobble Creek my knees really started to hurt me. I just kept running and didn't think anything of it. That probably wasn't a good idea. I wanted to beat my time so bad on this race. I wanted to be under 2 hours and I think I really could have done it. About 11 1/2 miles into the race my knees just started burning. They hurt so bad. I just cried and walked and ran the rest of the race. I finished though. Mike did good for his first half. He was hoping to do better though. His time was 2:05 and Heidi's was 2:12. After the race though we realized that the race was about a half a mile longer than it should have been. Our times probably would have been better if the distance was more accurate. Oh well, we did it!

I had plans to run several races next year too. Was all signed up to run Ragnar with my family, wanted to run Hobble Creek again and was planning on running a marathon in September. Well, then I got pregnant and I don't think that I'll be doing all those runs next year, unfortunately! We'll see how busy Mike is with school and how many races he can get in next year! Running is a new love of ours and we plan on keeping it up!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010 was a knock out!

We were up half the night Christmas Eve with Kyler throwing up. So, we were pretty tired when Porter woke up Christmas morning. He came running in our room yelling, "Santa came!" He wanted to open presents so bad. He went and woke up his brothers so we could open presents. It was so much fun with the boys this year. They got some boxing gloves that they had to put on and try out right when they opened them. Ryker learned real fast that he liked punching but didn't like being punched. So he would punch Porter and then run away. It was pretty funny! Santa brought us a big trampoline. Not sure the boys knew what it was when they opened it but they were excited about 2 huge boxes. They will be really excited when it finally warms up and we set it up for them! We spent Christmas night up with Ryker throwing up. Not so fun being sick over Christmas but we still had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Porter is 4!

Porter isn't going to know what to do when Christmas is over and he doesn't get any more presents. With his birthday in December and between all the family birthday parties and Christmas parties, seems like he's getting presents every other day! He loves it though!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Porter's birthday this year. We had our own little family party. I got a little cake from the store which I thought he would love. However, he told me that he wanted a white cake with strawberries on top. So, I had to make that for the Olson's birthday party. Aunt Andrea made a cute train cake for the Custer birthday party that Porter celebrated with his cousin Adam.

All Porter asked for this year for his birthday and Christmas is a gun. So, we gave him a HUGE nerf gun. Yep, it's bigger than him. He loves the thing too! It's actually 2 guns in 1 so we took it apart and he let Ryker shoot the other gun. He also got some new snow clothes and a movie.

At the Olson party he got a truck with a trailer with 2 motorcycles on it. All the kids loved it. He got some books too and a sled and movie from Grandma and Grandpa. At the Custer party he got some more books, a shirt with a dirt bike toy, a movie, a game and a puzzle. Boy, he sure got spoiled!