For Halloween this year my Mom and Dad had a party that we all had fun at. Then we went to our wards trunk or treat. It was pouring rain right before it was suppose to start so we debated about going to it. It stopped raining so we ran down to it. Kyler fell in a puddle and was soaked the whole time and Ryker dropped his bag of candy in a puddle. That made it really fun! No, we did have a lot of fun. The kids loved dressing up and showing off their costumes. The Monday before Halloween I found out I was pregnant. We wanted to announce it to our families and I found the cutest way to. I found this shirt online and just wore it to all the parties and things.

No one really knew if they should believe me or if I was just in costume. They were all surprised but excited. We were pretty surprised ourselves but we are really excited too.