The 4th of July was a lot of fun this year. I took an extra day off work so I had a 4 day weekend. It was great to spend that many days with my boys. Unfortunately Mike was either in class or at the hospital so we didn't get to spend a lot of time with him. We did get him one night for a BBQ and fireworks though. I did have one of my scariest moments in my life this weekend though. I took my boys to the Freedom Festival with my parents Saturday afternoon. There was a bunch of the big blowup things to play on. Porter was playing on them and having a ball. Then all of a sudden I couldn't find him anywhere. HE WAS LOST!!!! I was totally freaking out! My dad and I were walking all over trying to find him while my mom sat with my other boys. Then I heard them talking on the microphone about a little 3 year old that was lost. I went running over there and there was Porter. Luckily he was only lost for 10 minutes. Not something I want to experience again! After that, I decided that we were leaving. That night my grandparents had the whole extended family over Saturday night for a BBQ and to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks. Sunday we had a BBQ at my parents. We played BUMP, a family favorite and then lite off some fireworks. Fireworks with my family is just complete chaos. There are people everywhere just lighting tons off at the same time. It's just craziness for about 10-15 minutes and then it's over. It's a lot of fun though. My boys loved it! On Monday my parents took all the grandkids to the movie, How to Train a Dragon. Not a good idea to take a 10 month old to the movies though. I was out in the hall for the whole movie. My boys and everybody said that the movie was really good though. I'll have to rent it sometime and watch it at home when my baby is asleep!! It was a very fun filled weekend!