I'm putting 2010 at the end of that heading because I plan on having a Ragnar posting every year!! About a week and half ago I had one of the coolest experiences of my life. I was able to run Ragnar. I've heard about Ragnar the past couple of years but never had a desire to run it until this year. We talked about having team with some of my siblings but when we went to sign up, they were already full. My sister in law, Alicia was running it on a team. She told me to keep running and I could be backup on her team. A week before the race

Alicia asked me if I still would want to run it. A girl on her team had gotten pnemonia and was not able to run. I said of course. I was so excited but had no idea what I was getting myself into. For those of you who don't know what Ragnar is I'll tell ya! It's a relay race, 188 miles from Logan to Park City over a 2 day period.
There are 12 people on a team, 6 people in a van and someone is running the whole time. You run 3 legs. When I was first asked to run I was told I'd be runner 2. They were all pretty easy runs and I wasn't worried about it at all. I went to the final team meeting the Monday before the race and found out that I was actually runner 3. I looked at my runs. The first one was 5.4 miles with no hills. My second was 4.9 miles with no hills. My third run was 7.9 miles
WITH hills. I have not been training on hills. I never run hills. I was really nervous about my last run but was willing to take the challenge. The morning of the race, my team met at 4:30 and headed up to Logan. I was in a van with 6 girls that I didn't know. It was fun though because none of us knew anybody. It was great to get to know all of them. At the start line we had to take a safety course and then

get our packets. Our first runner took off at 8:45. We were off! I just kept getting more and more excited. Our first 2 runners finished and then I was off on my first run at 11:15 am. I finished and it felt great! My next run wasn't until 9:00 pm. That was a great run. It was nice and cool. I was just getting into it when my 4.9 miles was over. Our last runner finished about 12:30 am. We headed to a high school that we were suppose to rest at until our next runs. We got to the high school slept on the band room floor for about 3 hours. Then we were up and off to run our last runs.

When I woke up, I felt like crap! I was so tired and exhausted. I didn't know how I was going to run 8 miles up hills. I was getting really nervous for my run. I ended up starting my run at 8:45 am. The first part of the run wasn't bad at all. Then the hill came. I hit half way in the middle of the huge hill. I was dying! I just kept telling myself, don't stop, keep running! My van was awesome and cheered me on the whole way! Somehow I made it! It felt so good when I was done. I felt such a feeling of accomplishment. I had done it.
I ran 18.5 miles in 24 hours! Wow!!! Our van finished up our runs and headed to Park City to wait for the other van and go accross the finish line as a team. Our team ended up coming across the finish line about 5:45 pm. What a great feeling it was when we got our medals! I loved Ragnar and I'm looking forward to next year! We have talked about having a family team next year and I can't wait!!!
A girl on our team works for one of the newspapers and wrote an article about it too.share