Look who is potty trained! Horray!!! I am totally loving only having one kid in diapers! We bought Porter a little toilet a few months ago and have been kind of working with him. About 3 weeks ago I went and bought some underwear and just started putting him in them. He did great. We had a few accidents but we haven't had any for a couple weeks now and I'm loving it!!! I was dreading potty training him because I heard stories about how hard it is to potty train boys. I guess I just lucked out. Good job Porter!!!

Also, look who's finally walking!!! Porter started walking right around his first birthday. Ryker would stand but didn't really take any steps. We've been waiting for him to just take off and he finally did this week. It's so fun when they start walking!

Porter loves that Ryker is walking now too. He loves to take his hands and walk him around the house. It is so cute!!