Saturday, September 17, 2011


Porter and Ryker started preschool this week. It's crazy having 2 kids in preschool. They aren't in the same class so it's either take one of them every morning or run back and forth taking them on the same day. We decided to do it on the same day. So Ryker goes Tuesday and Thursday morning and Porter goes Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. Their first day we also had dentist appointments. While Ryker was at school Mike and Porter went to the dentist and while Porter was at school Ryker and me went to the dentist. Poor Kyler was so lost that day without his brothers. He just kept asking where they were. The next time they had school he wasn't quite so lost because one of them was home with him. I love how much they all love playing together. It's going to be a crazy and expensive year running them to and from preschool but they love it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Summer Fun!!

This summer was so much fun! I was on maternity leave and was able to be home all summer. I'm so glad I was too because it seems like so many little things happened that would have been sad to miss. Porter learned to tie his shoes, Ryker learned to ride a bike without training wheels, Kyler got potty trained and Bridger just grew like a weed. We made it up to the cabin a couple times, out camping a couple times, rode 4 wheelers, played in the sprinklers, swimming pool and jumped on the trampoline lots. We rode our bikes practically everyday and Dad even made a jump. The boys caught lots of bugs and toads too. Had to show them all to mom. They thought I would love them! Now summer is ending. Porter and Ryker start preschool next week and I have to go back to work the end of this month. I will miss my boys and can't wait till I can be home with them all the time!


One day the boys came inside and wanted their shirts off. I said, why, what are you doing? They said, we want to box! It is so funny how they think when they box they have to have their shirts off. That's what they do in the movies! Kyler doesn't have any boxing gloves so we had to put socks on his hands. He was happy with that. I just had to get some pictures of them cause it was too cute.

Alright, I knocked both my older brothers out!!

When we went camping, my brother had a little 4 wheeler that the boys had a ball riding. We went up to the cabin and my sister in laws family had one too. I only got a couple pictures of the boys on it though. We're thinking that we need to get the boys one!

Fun in the sun!

Bike Jump

When Dad first made the jump Ryker still had training wheels on.

A week later!

Ryker riding his bike!